Louis Nichole Music

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You're Out Of The Picture

Song Title: You’re Out Of The Picture

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2008

Music Genre: Country / love gone wrong song

Sample clip (Coming Soon)

I’m starring at  a photograph of us at the beach
I was a shy guy…. you , ripe as a peach
Look at me in my flip flops…..  you in ruby lip gloss…
I miss  photo moments like this
You barely knew me… but I loved how  you blew me a kiss

Now I’m tarring  up  that  photograph in half….. you’re out of the picture
Can’t remember  your laugh…..you’re out of the picture
Ripping you …from head to  heels
I’m not missing how love feels
Kissing a  bottle of Bud or a bottle of liquor
You’re out of sight
You’re out of mind
You’re out of the picture

I’m staring at our photograph as bride & groom
Here’s another … side by side….  in our honeymoon room
Look at this one  of us….me making a fuss…. over you in your lace lingerie
You  knew how to get to me… you always blew me away

Now I’m tarring  up  those  photographs in half….. you’re out of the picture
Can’t remember  your laugh…..you’re out of the picture
Ripping you …from head to  heels
I’m not missing how love feels
Kissing a  bottle of Bud or a bottle of liquor
You’re out of sight
You’re out of mind
You’re out of the picture

Now I’m staring at a photo of you with another man
And you’re blowing him .a kiss from my  Chevy van
Guess I didn’t know you
You’re getting back…. all I owe you
So get ready..   I turned your pictures into confetti
And I’ll just blow them away

You’re out of sight
I’m  out of my mind
I’m out of the picture

Songwriting Inspiration:

My 40 aunts and uncles loved to go to the casino. Once a month, I would rent a bus and take them to Atlantic City or to the Mohegan Sun Thank you Auntie Gloria for your inspiration to my lyrics

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Copyright © 2008 Louis Nichole