Louis Nichole Music

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You & Me

Song Title: You & Me

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2008

Music Genre: Pop / Adult contemporary / Wedding

Sample clip (Coming Soon)

I’m walking a road
That I can’t see
Asking if love
Is looking for me
Believing in the power of prayer
You walked in….   from out of nowhere
To think.. a wish upon a star…. led me here …
To where you are

You and me … on one pair of wings    
Seeing through one pair of eyes
And one  heart sings
You and me  …like the  sea and  the sun  
That  fold forever  so easily… into one

Sailing though space            
Opening the sky       
Reaching a place …
.Neither one alone could fly
Higher  than the  angels would dare
Certain  that our Love…. can  take us anywhere
From here to a star ..  or to heaven where we are

You and me …. on one pair of wings    
Seeing through one pair of eyes… 
And one heart  sings
You and me  …like the  sea and  the sun  
That fold  so easily… into one

We will go on
A  hundred lifetimes in love
We will go on.....
Beyond the last star above


Piano:Lee Musiiker/ Tony Bennett Orchestra
Synthesizer: Timmy DePasqua
Backup vocals: Kevin Jasper, Kyoko Repaj
Studio: Jampark Studios NYC

Songwriting Inspiration:

My wedding gift to Jess and Joe. Two lucky people who found each other for life

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Copyright © 2008 Louis Nichole