Louis Nichole Music

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What Becomes Of Me

Song Title: What Becomes Of Me

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2008

Music Genre: Jazz / Adult Contemporary

Sample clip (Coming Soon)

What becomes of  a  rainbow  after a summer storm
Where does the cold wind go….. to keep warm
Why doesn’t the sky cry……. when it is blue
Questions only I …. want to find the answers to

What becomes of  Sunday
What becomes  of   Spring
Where does the  the pounding go in your heart 
When it can no longer sing 
What happens to  love 
When it is through
Why couldn’t we see ….. how love would be
What becomes of  me
Without you

What becomes of a  broken man..      clinging to   goodbyes …. 
Why do some memories haunt us ….all  our lives       
Tell me where do dreams go…   You know cant  come true
Same old questions , same old  answers…I only wish I knew


I’ll keep  searching for answers  
Until I …. can let you go
That’s when every  question…. will  have the answer… I need to know   

What becomes of  Sunday
What becomes  of   Spring
Where does the  the pounding go  in your heart  
When it can no longer sing 
What happens to   love 
When it is through
Why couldn’t we see ….. how our love would be
What becomes of  me
Without you

Songwriting Inspiration:

Nora Jones

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Copyright © 2008 Louis Nichole