Louis Nichole Music

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To Be Your Song

Song Title: To Be Your Song

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2005

Music Genre: Gospel / Inspirational

Sample clip (Coming Soon)

Lord, if you are there….please hear my prayer
For with your light….you make right…what I make wrong
I need you….to get  through……what I can’t do….alone
Take my fear…
For I am here….
To be your song

I place my life into your hands
You are the master of my plans
No grail of gold…can warm my soul…or make me strong
Only you…..can make me new…each day I’m used …..by you
Touch me now
So I’ll know how
To be your song

Like  the  sea that shines at  night
Let me be dazzled by your light
I need some heaven … here on earth … where it belongs
So I can fly….So I can soar……like a child once more
Forever free…
So I can be….your song
To be
Your Song

Songwriting Inspiration:

My dear friend, Mrs Vogel was in the last stages of cancer. Even though she knew her days were counted, she st with me and had a remarkable conversation about God and afterlife. Her face was white crystalline, her hair scarlet red,her eyes dark and hollow…… yet she sat like diety… so hauntingly beautiful. This was our last conversation put to song. I came to sing it to her on Friday morning. She had just transcended to heaven.

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