Louis Nichole Music

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Sparrow Wings

Song Title:  Sparrow Wings

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2005

Music Genre: Adult Contemporary / Inspirational

Sample clip (Coming Soon)

I was a tiny roman candle…… that no one else could handle
You were a gentle giant…. A guardian defiant…. slaying any dragons in  my way
When chicken little’s sky was falling
That’s when you came  calling
Telling me……that I could save the day… ……you said

It takes  little things …like sparrow wings… to fly.
You need not be a seagull….  or the mighty eagle
To see the ocean from the sky
Sometimes something small… has more than meets the eye
Rivers grow from  tiny springs
Lift your little sparrow wings…..  and fly

Then one cold November’s morning…..you left me… without warning
I felt you  from a distance… through the trials of my resistance…
Lifting me every time I’d  climb…everytime  I ‘d fall
Below and up above me…
As only you could love me…
Gently taking down … breaking down my  walls.


Now I can  defy any dragons, any skies that  tumble down
No demon’s spell…can put me through hell…..or drive me into the ground
Because of you…. I made it through ….the darkest skies
You  taught me to see…. with stars in my eyes

 You gave me little  things …these  sparrow wings… to fly.
Now I can be a seagull….  I can be an eagle
And see the ocean from the sky
Sometimes something small… has  more than meets the eye
Because of you… I can reach so high
Because of you
I can lift these sparrow wings…..  and fly

Songwriting Inspiration:

“There was only one person  I remember who acknowledged my theatricality and dramatic flair……. my grandpa….…. Nichola DiMuzio. He was a kind and gentle man…born in Italy… and spoke broken English. He lived in the same 3 family house as we did .
I could always try out a new dress or a new song and dance routine on grandpa.  He made me feel good about myself.,,,,acknowledging  me just the way I was….which was just fine with me…because I didn’t think there was anything wrong with me in the first place…

“I was born a man with a rose in my  heart

I was the family entertainer for my 235 Italian relatives
But my greatest audience was my grandfather, who died when I was six. Every day after school, I would go to his grave and sing his favorite Italian song,” Torna Sorriento…… and ,… “She Wore an Itsy Bitsy Teeeeney Weeney Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” .
It gave me so much pleasure and   it felt so natural to write my own songs and sing  to all grampa’s friends that surrounded  him. I had a captive audience.

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