Louis Nichole Music

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One Of The Good Guys

Song Title: One Of The Good Guys

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2008

Music Genre: Country / inspiration

Listen to a sample clip:

I have walked through life in search of meaning

I’m still walkin though the road seems more unclear

How do I change the world…..  and make it better

I’m always asking myself ……why   am I   here?

 I don’t need sell my soul    for fame and fortune

 Or  hang a plaque…. with my name…  on a wall…….

Maybe I can  be a little hope and inspiration

Being there… when I hear… my neighbor call

I wanna be one… of…. the good guys

 I wanna be one… man… seeing through heaven’s eyes

 one…of …..the good guys

God… give me  a reason to keep on believin’

 In  the good guys

I feel I was meant to move  a mountain

 I might get tired ….but I could do it all alone

I could lift that big ole rock right off your shoulder

Bolder by bolder, stone by stone

Let me  a  comfort to friends and  family

Let me  be an angel ….. just waiting   in the wings…          

 Doing  little things   that just might  be a  blessing

And all the time….. this brain of mine  sings


But I need a little bit of help from heaven and a lot of coffee

I need a little bit of luck         and a lot of possibility

I need a little hand from the man with the plan…. who made heaven and earth

I needsomebody bigger…….. than you .and me

I need…

One… of…. the good guys

One… man… seeing through heaven’s eyes

One…of …..The good guys

 So when the world is wearin thin

God remind me

the good guys still win

the good guys still win


Songwriting Inspiration:

I just wanna be like my father when I grow up.

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Copyright © 2008 Louis Nichole