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Moo Cow From Mooooskow

Song Title: Moo Cow From Mooooskow

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2002

Music Genre: Children’s / Novelty / Comedy

Sample clip (Coming Soon)

I was a Mooooo Cow in Moooooosouri
Living on Old McDonald’s Farm
But Macdonald built a burger joint
And buddy – let me tell ya…… McDonald aint livin in no barn
He put me out to pasture
Where the grass was green and lusha
I had corn on the cob
But I had no job
So I moooooved to Russia
I had to reinvent myself
Didn’t want to be… a Dairy Queen…… or a burger on the shelf

Now I’m the Moooooo Cow from Moooscow
No longer from Mooosouri
And I sing my Mooosic for you
My grass is always greener
My cream is so much leaner
And it seems that my demeanors sweeter too… ooooh…
I’m a Moooooo Cow --who knew how
To write a novel
And I knew - I could do - it somehow-
I listened to my “Mutter”
She said, “You’re not just another “utter”
“Make your bread & butter - like no other cow-
So from my stable wrote a fable that the critics would hail
Now I’m the only cow alive who has his tale for sale

Oh I’m a Moo Cow
I’m a new cow
And I’m making lots of moooola
And  I’m full-a  personality
Macdonald---I’m doing just fine
I’m drinking White Russians and moooovin up to the big time
I’m the Mooooo Cow from Mooooscow - that’s Me!

( Sorry Macdonald—I’m milking this one till the cows come home)

Songwriting Inspiration:

This is the new story of Old McDonald who once had a farm…. E I E I O.
But, in the early 50’s, Old MacDonald sells his farm and his animals to build a successful chain of fast food  hamburger restaurants.
By the time the 21st century arrives, McDonald has achieved great success….. but he discovers that with all his fame and fortune………. his is a miserable son of a bun.  So MacDonald decides to buy back his original farm and animals…so he can E-I E-I-O once again.
However, Macdonald’s animals now live  all over the world. So he decides to travel the continents in order to reunite his family.
Ages 4-7 and children of all ages

 Macdonald sneaks into Russia in search his cow.
The COW didn’t want to become a hamburger….. so he thought he would move to Germany  to live with some of his friends…….. but they lived in Hamburg, Germany…. and that didn’t make him comfortable…… so he decided to move to Russia
His cow, however, has taken quite a career turn.


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