Louis Nichole Music

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Mama Mia

Song Title: Mama Mia

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2001

Music Genre: Broadway / Adult / Contemporary / Italian

Listen to a sample clip:

There’s a woman I love
Sent from heaven above
Its my mama  …. For whom I wanna…. Build a shrine
Cause I worship her biscotti ….pray for more manacotti
And her pasta fazul is divine

She never looks …. in those recipe books
When she cooks …..theres a secret I ll share
It’s the love she puts in it
Each moment, each minute
No mama , no meal… compares
She’s the mama….. to every son’s prayers

She’s the Patron Saint…… “ Maria, of the Cucina”
And there ain’t a complaint…. when you taste her cuisina

So if you’re a lousy cook

 Hey lady….No further need you look
Just make a novena
To  my MAMA , the Kitchen Queena

When God passed out Mothers
He passed all the others
And said,” Maria, mamma mia
You’re so sublime”
All the  Angels forgave her
The day that God Made her
The model for Mothers divine
Thats my mama, oh mama  And she’s mine

Songwriting Inspiration:

If its not one thing it’s your mother.
Mamma wears the pants in the family…
But without those pants…..there wouldn’t be the love for food,the family, and the Italian traditions that  are so intricately woven into our lives.

 When I was growing up I remember saying my prayers every night before I went to bed. I would say, “ God …you know how much I love my mother…….. but when I grow up…please, God, please …… let me be like my father.

 And then one day you grow up….

And you‘re your mother…. How the frig does that happen?

MAMA is known to all as Santa cucina… patron saint of the kitche….. our lady of perpetual cooking
She is famous for her homemade Italian desserts like pastachauttes and the best Italian rum cake …. her escarole soup, minestre and beans, and nonnis lasagna
She uses no recepies…handfuls of this…and handfuls of that

For almost 25 years…. my mama cooked almost every  weekend……15-20 people  at my house. …my aunts and uncles.. friends and their families……… and my mother makes una festa spectacola….. .
My mother says that I will never get an ulser…..because I give them…


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