Louis Nichole Music

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Louie, The Fairy Godfather

Song Title: Louie ,The Fairy Godfather

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2005

Music Genre: Novelty / Comedy / Italian

Sample clip (Coming Soon)


Back in Old Sicily….whenna da moon hitsa you eye

They say…hey     it’s…The God Father

Who comesa to kiss-a- you……….. good by

But in America…. There’sa dis characta

Whose kisses  kill you…..with romance….

He wines and dines you with delight

He sings   a song to you  he writes

Hes a fella ….who teacha you the tarrentella dance

Look at me….  I’ma  Louie….. theFairy Godafather…ona TV…  

 On a mission…….ona you television  ….

First I come to your doorway

With Roses and amore …. like a torpedo

In a tight tuxedo

Then the magic begins

I knock,  I come in, I grant wishes…like the loaves and da fishes

I’m the real Pardone…no Soprano’s …no phony Tony

My fairy tales are never Grimm

Then   I invite you to my villa …in CT on a hilla

You’ll meet Mama…if you’re nice…she’ll make you nice lasagna

For your girlfriends and you it’s a dreama come true

I wine and dine you

I dress and divine you

Though you might wonder why

I’m a single kind of guy…

Ask Mamma…she prays for days to the Madonna

Just like fatal attraction…...Im the movie…without the action …you see

Ladies….You wanna some  King Kong who thinks with his ding dong.. …

Or you want   me….who sings-a you a song……

And brings along  his mama …and  a meal too?

Choose a  me….Im-a Louie… the Fairy  Godfather…you see…..coming  to a TV …near you.

Though I look ordinary… Im a Godfather… whoza Fairy

So sorry mamma….too late to pray to the Madonna

I dress…. in a  tux

I drive pink…. pick up  trucks

You will see me …..on the highway

Even  Barrbie  would say   

It’s so pink….. Its so  merry… it’s so…… Mary Kay ..

So I come to your home…. with pink testosterone…

 Still Ima a mister …buta  you can talk to me…. Like a  sister

I  knock knock…I come in

Its  a fairy tale… not grimm….  I grant wishes  ..like-a  da  loaves and da fishes …..                                                                  .

 For your  girfrieds and you.. it’s  a dreama come true

I wine &.dine you…. I dress and divine you

There’s no fatal attraction….cause you’ll get no action with me

Songwriting Inspiration:

During 2005 I had been traveling back and forth to Hollywood working on a daily TV series with a major network ,,,Louie and his….235 Italian Relatives. a true story about my life Holly wood called me,Martha meets the Sopranos, Elvis and Mr Rodgers for Adults....

After about 8 months, the executives tell me that they want edgy……that I am too out of the box......there is nothing else like me on TV...... Then they tell me...that Queer eye for the straight guy is the number one show..... and could I come back in two weeks and alter my concept.....
Which I  do........ So I come up with a show called

Louie the Fairy God-a-father..........Wine-a,  Dine-a… and Design- a.
This guy Louie dresses in a tuxedo ...drives a black deisel pick up truck... and  drives up to any house in America....When the door opens Louie greets the lady of the house with a dozen roses...... and tells her that he is the Fairy God afather..(like the Millionaire from the 50's)....but doesn’t have a million dollars.
But Louie make  wishes come true. Louie will take her and her 3 best girldfriends to his home in CT for a once in a lifetime dinner with a theme of her choice..... and Zia Madelena, Zia Angelian and Zia Josephina will cook a dinner delicioso..... at the end of the dinner Louie will write an origianl song about the women and their day together.


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