Louis Nichole Music

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Itty Bitty Kitty From The City

Song Title: Itty Bitty Kitty from The City

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com


Music Genre: Children’s / Novelty / Comedy

Sample clip (Coming Soon)

They call me Kit Kit Kit Kit Kit Kit Kitty

They say I’m prit prit prit prit prit prit  pretty

I’m like a Diva, a Grande Dame, a Duchess

I’m so delightful, so delicious, so delushous

You want to be me… when you see me…. I’m so dream-me

I love Me…. Me Me….. Me Me Me!

That’s why I say ME – OW  and not YOU - OW

You see?   Si.?   

 It’s You who need me –

I’m hungry - Feed Me!

I just adore some Fish du Jour

Some itty bitty fishy of the day

Give me a dish of tuna fish

Or some cat nip k’nish

Or a Tris-kit… with liver pate, Ole! ( oh I think Ill watch a mantinee today)

I love to pussy footsy wootzie in my housie

And eat those itsy bitsy fuzzy wuzzy mousies

I give you credit…..you don’t edit…. my habits

For Mickey Mouse could have his Clubhouse…. in your cabinets.

So Signore, I bet you love this story

Cause I’m the best pet in any CAT-a-gory!

Don’t pick a parakeet, a pig or a piranha

 I’m the pussy wussy pet……. you’re gonna wanna.

I’m so purrr-fect, it’s a pity!

 I’m so pretty and  I’m so witty

Just call me Kit….. Kit Kit Kit ….. Kit Kit …… Kitty!

Songwriting Inspiration:

This is the new story of Old McDonald who once had a farm…. E I E I O.
But, in the early 50’s, Old MacDonald sells his farm and his animals to build a successful chain of fast food  hamburger restaurants.
By the time the 21st century arrives, McDonald has achieved great success….. but he discovers that with all his fame and fortune………. his is a miserable son of a bun.  So MacDonald decides to buy back his original farm and animals…so he can E-I E-I-O once again.
However, Macdonald’s animals now live  all over the world. So he decides to travel the continents in order to reunite his family.
Ages 4-7 and children of all ages

Macdonald travels south of the border to find his beloved…. itty biddy kitty from the city. The kitty has become successful after opening up his own chain of cat houses… where his felines have been known to pussyfoot around in exchange for good jewelry.
His homes give new meaning to the expression… “Look what the cat dragged in”..
… Now performing as the only Cat-olic kitty in the Catskills….. he   takes his dancing skills to the streets of Mexico…. where he is known as HOSE,  who was named after the famous song…. Hose can you see….by the dawn’s early light.

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