Louis Nichole Music

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In The City

Song Title:In The City

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com


Music Genre: Country Rock

Sample clip (Coming Soon)

When I walk in the street

There’s a buzz to the beat

In the city

 I can’t  pin it down…. but when I look all around me….. its  clear

It’s the pulse….It’s the pace

It’s the  noise  in your face--- that some people pity

But a horn and jack hammer

Is the music that I clamor to hear

Some say I’m nuts, but at least I’ve got guts ….. to make it

I   look for a hook…….try every trick in the book….. to  play

 I pick my  home runs……I stick to my guns

Only a  fool would fake it

I know when to talk

I  know when to walk….away

They may beat me and cheat me

And try to defeat me

But I wont be the  ship that sank

Out of the box

I out smart  the fox

And I  laugh all the way to the bank …..thanks

Well I  just  won the rat race…. but I'm  still just  a rat….. in the city

I was there at the top…..took a flop…. but survived the dive

I was out on a dime ….but I’m back in no time…..sitting pretty

A little egg on my  face….. but at least I can taste …. I'm alive

With the last breath I take …..I’ll be more wide awake….than some who are livin’

You’ll be hearin’ me cheerin’…. when I nearin’….my last goodbye

It was the  toss of the dice …. a slice of the life….  I was given

Don’t cry no Boo Hoo tears….when I’m upstairs…. in  the sky

Let heaven admit me

Or the  devil commit me

I don’t care

I loved each  minute I was there

In the city

Songwriting Inspiration:

I love Manhattan. It is the city of the world and there is no other place like it on earth. The city can be negative, fast paced, noisy, dirty, but once you learn to raise above all that and only see the good, you can be in it and not of it. When you find the quiet inside of you, you can carry it with you wherever you go—no one can take that from you. So it is possible o find peace and joy in the city. It took me some time, but I can’t imagine living anywhere else. It is alive. Everyday you live here you grow… or you die.
It is one of life’s greatest challenges not to lose yourself in such a tumultuous city.

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