Louis Nichole Music

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Hunka Hunka Happenin Ham

Song Title: Hunka Hunka Happenin Ham

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com


Music Genre: Children’s / Novelty / Comedy

Sample clip (Coming Soon)

I was  a  pig and my name was  Copie

 I was  big .. I was   fat… I was a little bit  Pokey

I was a dud in the mud .. I was  overweight…

 I just ate and ate….and ate and ate

They said I was born to be a  ham.

On a wall at Wal Mart… as Spam in a can

I said “  I’ll head for those bright lights…..and I’ll go far

 They said, “Sure, see you under meat counter   lights ….  you’ll be an Armour Star”…..  

I said

I  gotta   dream……I gotta do it

Hard as it  seems.. I’ll go through it

I ‘ll be  the patron saint to pigs across the land

I’ll be  a hunka a hunk of happening ham

Oh man oh man….. I’ll be a hunk a hunk of happening ham

First I forked the fat…..till I was fit to the bone

Till I couldn’t spare a rib…… till I was  trim and tone

I got off my hiney….I made my toushy tight

Till it was  teeney tiny….. for that big spotlight

Now I’m like Porky and Miss Piggy too

 I’m bringing home the bacon…cock a doodle do

 I’m no longer on the butcher’s hit list

Look at me… and  see   ….. a vision of Fit-ness


So get out of your pig pen…squeak  and  squeal

To be pig….. doesn’t mean your gig…..  is to be a meal

You can be anything you want to be

Why you could even be a Pig…. like me….soooey soooey

I had a dream..  and  I had to do it

Hard as it seemed .. I went  through it

Now I’m the patron saint to Pigs across the land

I’m a hunk a hunk of happening ham                  

I put the P back in Pig … I made it Big Big  big.   …

Oh man…… I am

A Hunk…. A Hunk… a Hunk…. of happening Ham

How do you like your rump roast…I like mine over easy.

Songwriting Inspiration:

This is the new story of Old McDonald who once had a farm…. E I E I O.
But, in the early 50’s, Old MacDonald sells his farm and his animals to build a successful chain of fast food  hamburger restaurants.
By the time the 21st century arrives, McDonald has achieved great success….. but he discovers that with all his fame and fortune………. his is a miserable son of a bun.  So MacDonald decides to buy back his original farm and animals…so he can E-I E-I-O once again.
However, Macdonald’s animals now live  all over the world. So he decides to travel the continents in order to reunite his family.
Ages 4-7 and children of all ages

MacDonald travels to Denmark in search of his pig who moved there because blondes have more fun than pigs who are bacon tomato and lettuce sandwiches.
As they say in Denmark,…… “ De blukin vegan farkin newgin sporkin porkin…
( Blonde pigs have more fun.)

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