Louis Nichole Music

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Heaven Is My Hometown

Song Title: Heaven Is My Hometown

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2002

Music Genre: Country / Adult Contemporary

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Heaven Is My Hometown

If your highway bound……there’s an old mill town…. off RT- 84

You   can’t get lost…….cause there’s a neon cross…  like a halo on a hill

You can burn a steak… in the time it takes… to get there

Coming home again… and . going back to  when…….the clock stood still

There was a time and place….when the city’s face…. was a postcard

The  world was found…  in a movie downtown   ……on Saturday

There were all kinds of steeples, all kinds of people

 Singing the same song

They put  trust in a man …up on a stand ….. in  Holyland, USA

Heaven is my hometown…heaven is my hometown

Heaven is my hometown.

 Time was unkind…. to the town left behind… now photos in hallways

Our heros of history…are  immortals of mystery…. that no one recalls

Even the ghost on the green….hasn’t been seen….   he’s moved to Miami …

And the mill is a mall…where there’s  wall after wall after  hall after hall …

Heaven is my hometown…heaven is my hometown

Heaven is my hometown.

This is the place where I was born

The house  I  used to live in

The home where my heart is  

The family I was given

They burn in my blood

They’re bound in my brain

With a  thunder in my soul     

That  forever will remain…..’cause

Old faded treasures… bring back old pleasures….that mist up my  mind

Wishing time could  erase ….. that clock’s old face…. just to  hear it ring

But hat one man committee, ….looks  after this city…from high on the hill

His cross is still  there….  I swear  I can  hear ……   the Big Boss sing

Heaven is my hometown….Heaven is my Hometown

This is where I came from

Where I learned how to fly

I’ll ride that highway to happiness ….on a star across the sky

Cause Heaven is my hometown…heaven is my hometown

Heaven is my hometown.

Songwriting Inspiration:

If you grew up in Waterbury, Connecticut in the 40’s and 50’s, you knew you lived in heaven. There was a neon cross built on the highest point…built by my best friends, Ralph Sr. and Ralph Jr Giuliano in the 50’s. You couldn’t drive on I- 84 without seeing it for miles.

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