Louis Nichole Music

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Grass Stains On My Prom Gown

Song Title: Grass Stains On My Prom Gown

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2008

Music Genre: Novelty / Comedy

Sample clip (Coming Soon)

It was prom night…..I had no date…  cause my guy, Rick…. got sick

I’d be all alone….no chaperone

So Rick …called his  friend ….Dick

My dress went on…. My zipper went up….  and my stockings went past my knee

I was ready…. for Dick

Hoping he…. was ready for me

He picked me up at 6 o’clock and took me for a walk

He wanted to get to know me… but  we… didn’t  talk

My zipper went down…my dress went up

 and  his hand went past my knee

I’m in love with Dick

Wow….he was ready  for me

But I’ve got Grass stains on my Prom gown

I’m crushed as I can be

I have grass stains on my prom gown

And I wonder why… my guy Rick…. Didn’t did what Dick….  Did for me

How could I go on…. go back to prom…. with grass stains on my dress

When all at once some  guy…. named Ray rushed by … and saw me in distress

He teased my hair

He primped my eyes

He even glossed my lips

His hand went past my knee

 Cutting my dress up to my hips

Oooooh.....  no more Grass stains on my prom gown

Ray is clever as can be

No more grass stains on my prom gown

He saved the day…now I’m in love with Ray,,,,happy as a girl can be

So I walked back to the dance floor and I was   living in a dream

They took one look at my mini gown….…. and I was voted queen  

But as I was crowned…. I turned around … and it hit me like a brick

There was  Ray …kissing  my guy Rick…. ( Ray?..Rick?)

And they had grass stains on  their tuxedoes


Oh!.... they had grass stains on their tuxedoes

Now I know… why Ray and  Rick

Didn’t do what dick…. for me

So I m taking my pick… Im  gonna stick….. with Dick

And just like Ray and Rick

 Dick…… is gonna stick  …with me

Songwriting Inspiration:

When you are a songwriter, sometimes you have to transend  your reality.  Since I had  a great deal of practice performing in my mother’s dresses when I was young…… it was easy to write this song

You become someone else in order to find the truth in the story. So imagine if you will…it is 1950… it is my first prom……I am 16….. and my name is Luisa…

Sorry mom

When you are a songwriter, sometimes you have to transend  your reality.  Since I had  a great deal of practice performing in my mother’s dresses when I was young…… it was easy to write this song

You become someone else in order to find the truth in the story. So imagine if you will…it is 1950… it is my first prom……I am 16….. and my name is Luisa…

Sorry mom

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