Louis Nichole Music

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Food Equals Love

Song Title: Food Equals Love

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2005

Music Genre: Broadway / Adult Contemporary / Italian

Sample clip (Coming Soon)

When she thought I wasn’t looking

Mamma was cooking.

Mamma in the kitchen… cooking works of art

I never understood…..what made everything taste so good

But I would… if I could  ask…her stuffed artichoke’s heart

Food Equals Love

Mama says….. it’s  what  a home  is made of…

Just like her Mamma…everything she does…. because

Food equals love….

Food equals love

It‘s the way she fondles the tomatoes     

Rolls rosemary on potatoes

How she’ll obsess…. picking out the best breast of veal

Or  clipping  coupons from the mail

Is  Lamberti’s sausage  still on sale?

So much of what mamma feels.. goes into every meal

Food Equals Love

Mama says….. it’s  what  a home  is made of…

Just like her mamma…everything she does….. because

Food equals love….

Food equals love

Sometimes you can’t see the love looking right in your face

Or the love …in your lunchbox at school

Then one day… you’re able

To see love ..on the table

Right there  …in  mamma’s pasta fazul

One day I’ll recall ……The best times of all

In the kitchen with mama……like a fly on the wall………watching her

Baking and basting……Sautéing and tasting

 Peeling … chopping……. cleaning …  mopping

The little things….. that will always remain         

The aromas that send me

Her rum cake.… the memory of

Her marinara…  flowing through my veins      

That’s what a home is made of…

That’s what a home is made of

Mamma equals love

Songwriting Inspiration:

If its not one thing it’s your mother.
Mamma wears the pants in the family…
But without those pants…..there wouldn’t be the love for food,the family, and the Italian traditions that  are so intricately woven into our lives.

 When I was growing up I remember saying my prayers every night before I went to bed. I would say, “ God …you know how much I love my mother…….. but when I grow up…please, God, please …… let me be like my father.

 And then one day you grow up….

And you‘re your mother…. How the frig does that happen?

MAMA is known to all as Santa cucina… patron saint of the kitche….. our lady of perpetual cooking
She is famous for her homemade Italian desserts like pastachauttes and the best Italian rum cake …. her escarole soup, minestre and beans, and nonnis lasagna
She uses no recepies…handfuls of this…and handfuls of that

For almost 25 years…. my mama cooked almost every  weekend……15-20 people  at my house. …my aunts and uncles.. friends and their families……… and my mother makes una festa spectacola….. .
My mother says that I will never get an ulser…..because I give them…

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