Louis Nichole Music

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Dream Bigger

Song Title: Dream Bigger

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2002

Music Genre: Childrens / Inspirational

Sample clip (Coming Soon)

Growin up  … can be tough.. …

Cause sometimes you think… you’re not good enough

You keep on wishin’….but  something’s missin’

You gotta dream……but it doesn’t seem…… anybody’s listenin’

You know you’re more…. than an everyday seagull

So go and soar ….like  you ‘re…an extra-ordinary eagle

Even  Superman…  in a jam …heads for the heights

 He saves the world… he gets the girl……  wearing  a  cape and tights …..You got to

Dream bigger

Reach higher

Dig deeper

Set your soul on fire …then

Dream bigger

Reach higher

Dig deeper

Get  what you desire… then

 Dream bigger

Dare to do….. the dream in you…

There’s no limit to…… what you can do

Dream all you wanna.. …though world  may con ya…   

Every day you ‘wake… you gotta make…. your own lasagna

Even Cinderella …had no fella… but  she  knew what it took

She got a castle… a kingdom , and  kissed a  prince….. then  made millions on her book

 You might have to fake it …’till you make it… to the  tippy top

Sing  loud and clear……. til every fear …goes  snap,  crackle, pop… don’t stop


 Dance Dance Dance…    give it the best you’ve got

Because you might not get a second chance to make that single shot

Dance dance dance….down that yellow brick road

You  got to clicka …your ruby slippers.   Then  watch your dreams unfold


Dance dance with every step you take

You can settle for the sprinkles……..or all the icing on the cake

Songwriting Inspiration:

This is the new story of Old McDonald who once had a farm…. E I E I O.
But, in the early 50’s, Old MacDonald sells his farm and his animals to build a successful chain of fast food  hamburger restaurants.
By the time the 21st century arrives, McDonald has achieved great success….. but he discovers that with all his fame and fortune………. his is a miserable son of a bun.  So MacDonald decides to buy back his original farm and animals…so he can E-I E-I-O once again.
However, Macdonald’s animals now live  all over the world. So he decides to travel the continents in order to reunite his family.
Ages 4-7 and children of all ages


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