Louis Nichole Music

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A Song For My Father

Song Title: A Song For My Father

Author / Artist: Louis Nichole

Master Website:: http://www.louisnichole.com

Copyright: 2008

Music Genre: Country / Novelty

Sample clip (Coming Soon)

I ‘ve tried to follow …..in the footsteps …..of my father

Wearing  shoes , that  seem impossible ….to fill

How could  I be …..even half the man… that he is

How do you make a  mountain… from a  hill

Papa never said the words ….I love you

For a parrot’s talk is free…. as the birds

Everything  Papa  does….is what love is

More powerful than any words

 Ask him…. to build Rome….. in all it’s glory

He might say…. that  he may need a day…. or two

You’ll  come home… and there is Rome… in your backyard

 And  Ben Hur ,,,,,,,is in his chariot …    smiling at you

If I could hold Papa’s face….. forever in my memories

 I would know for sure that goodness never dies

When I am searching… for the secrets… in his silence

All I have to do …..is look into his eyes

 How do you replace the smile….that makes the sunrise?

Or  the kiss  goodnight … that makes a moon grow bright?

Or the  arms …. warm enough to melt  a snowman

That takes your hand….    and  makes the world all right

A quiet kind of hero

A star upon the tree

How lucky  if you know papa

How lucky to be me

Ask him to buildcinderreal castlein all it’s glory

He might say…. that  he may need a day…. or two

You’ll  come home… and there’s a castle… in your backyard

Prince charming and Cinderella fairy god mothers  … are smiling at you grant to for

Harness a shootoing star

He delivered the universe to you

The Sun   the moon  and all the stars in heaven are shining for you there waiting for you

Songwriting Inspiration:

My 40 aunts and uncles loved to go to the casino. Once a month, I would rent a bus and take them to Atlantic City or to the Mohegan Sun Thank you Auntie Gloria for your inspiration to my lyrics


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Copyright © 2008 Louis Nichole